About Bishan Singh

On 17th Jan, 1872 at 7 A.M., 66 Namdhari Sikhs clad in white were waiting anxiously to sacrifice their lives for the sake of their beloved motherland, without caring little for oppression and tyranny of the British regime at Maler-Kotla, Punjab. A lad of twelve , son of Sardar Mahan Singh and Sardarni Khem Kaur from the village Rarh, Punjab, was the patriots. Mrs. Cowan (wife of the then deputy commissioner of Ludhiana, Punjab) felt pity & her heart melted out to see the innocent face of Bishan Singh. Seeing the blooming and innocent face of Bishan Singh, she requested her husband to let the child go. Cowan acceded to his wife's request, provided young Bishan was prepared to say that he was not the disciple of (Satguru) Ram Singh. Bishan Singh listened to him attentively and expressed his desire to whisper in the ears of Cowan. As soon as Cowan bowed down to listen Bishan Singh pounced upon him and in a single leap, caught hold of his long, flowing beard so tightly that Cowan began to shriek and cried for help. The soldiers around Cowan, ran to his rescue, but their efforts proved futile. The soldiers beheaded Bishan Singh with their sword and cut his tiny hands to pieces. The hair of Cowan's beard were still seen entangled in the tender fingers of Bishan Singh who became an immortal Martyr.